South Muntenia Regional Development Agency has launched a new study on the potential to use financial instruments within SM ROP 2021-2027 with the support of fi-compass, the horizontal technical assistance platform for financial instruments provided by the European Commission in partnership with the European Investment Bank. The consultants, EY and t33 have been engaged to prepare the feasibility study which will explore the types of financial instruments, potential beneficiaries and indicative actions, as well as different implementation options and conditions, with a focus on:
- Business infrastructure;
- Tourism infrastructure;
- Energy efficiency of individual houses.
The study will analyze the following issues:
- Market Assessment - for the types of investments concerned. Through desktop research, interviews and workshops with potential beneficiaries, the study will prepare an overview of the context and needs, an analysis of existing or potential financing options, and identify the sectors where the use of financial instruments is appropriate;
- Implementation Options - the study will make recommendations on the potential implementation strategy for the proposed financial instruments, building on the results of the Market Assessment. These will address the governance structure, investment strategy and financial dimension;
On September 3rd, 2021 the project kick off meeting took place, during which issues related to the working plan and project implementation were discussed and agreed. Thus, during 15 – 17 September 2021 South Muntenia RDA will organize meetings with the representatives of the regional local public authorities and of the banking sector to raise their awareness and discuss their willingness and availability to be involved. These meetings will be complemented by the request to fill in some questionnaires, prepared by the EY and t33, in order to assess the opportunity to use financial instruments under the South Muntenia Regional Operational Programme 2021 – 2027 for the relevant sectors. The questionnaires can be accesed below here.
The preparation of the feasibility study will be concluded at the end of 2021 and it will be achieved through a partnership and participatory process, that will actively involve both local and national public authorities, professional associations, as well as citizens and other relevant stakeholders, through bottom-up public consultation mechanisms. In this regard, a summary of the analysis of the opportunity to use financial instruments in order to implement the support provided by South Muntenia ROP 2021 – 2027 will be published on SM RDA website: www.adrmuntenia.ro
Further information on the implementation of this project can be obtained from the South Muntenia ROP Managing Authority Directorate, via e-mail: amsudmuntenia@adrmuntenia.ro.
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